Sunday, February 4, 2018

New Order From The Commissioner Of Patents.

by Steve Reiss (
I have noticed, for more than two years past, that a few of the Examiners are generally from one to two months behind with the work in  their rooms. The fact that they so uniformly have about the same number of cases on hand is evidence to me that, with proper effort, they might keep their work closely up to date.
The answering of  letters and the making of excuses, in consequence of being so far behind, are causes of great loss of  time.  I shall expect the work of the Office to be promptly up  to  date by the tenth day of Novem­ber. If, to do this, it becomes necessary for Examiners to de­mand of their subordinates more than six hours labor per day, they will do so; but  the work must be brought up to that date, and thereafter kept up. (Signed).
Commissioner of Patents

Washington, D. C., October 3. 1873

(reprinted in Scientific American, November 1, 1873, p. 272.).

(see more below)

Mortimer Leggett (Commissioner of Patents: 1871- November 1874)
According to the USPTO and reports contemporaneous with his commissionership, Commissioner Leggett's:
"decisions show a quick perception of the equities and a desire to use as much dispatch in the case as was possible. He was of a practical turn of mind and, while trained in the law, apparently had not much taste for a prolonged legal discussion. He was liberal in his views of patentability but very decided in his opinions. In general, he effectively continued the work and policies of his notable predecessor, Mr. Fisher, and this period marked a distinct advance in the work and standards of the Patent Office."

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